Mobile Web Use Explodes

— -- Chip TaylorComScore today provided further proof that the mobile device is taking over our wired world. The metrics company says the number of Americans using the mobile Internet has more than doubled in the last year from 10.8 million in January 2008 to 22.4 million in January 2009.   Users are accessing all kinds of content from news and information to their Facebook pages to stock reports and entertainment news. And not only are more people accessing the Web while on the go, they're doing so with mobile applications for smartphones like the Android-based G1 and Apple's iPhone.

Social networking and blogs was the fastest-growing content with a 407 percent jump in daily access among mobile device users. However, news and information (such as maps and directions) is still the most popular content in the mobile world with 22.4 million daily users.

Chip TaylorMobile applications made up the bulk of new users, with 22.3 million people getting news and information via a mobile app. However, SMS-based services such as search and news alerts are still going strong with 14.1 million SMS search users and 32.4 million SMS news and information users in January 2009.

While not shocking, ComScore's numbers indicate that Americans are embracing the mobile Web especially as smartphone capabilities increase. I seriously doubt that most people are willing to give up their nice big desktop monitors and laptops for the mobile Web only; however, as the mobile Web becomes more important (and secure), we will eventually see the regular and mobile Internet begin to merge.

When that will happen is anybody's guess, but if we ever see Flash on the iPhone we'll know we're getting closer.