Google+ iPhone App Released

Google+ has released the mobile version of its new social network.

July 20, 2011 — -- Google+ has released the mobile version of its new social network for iPhone (4.1 iOS or newer) users on the go -- and it's already reported to be the number-one free app in Apple's App Store. The Android app looks and functions like the Apple version. It can be downloaded free of charge from iTunes.Its features are currently limited, but the key functions include the following:

1. Access to Circles

2. Use of Hurdles, the group messaging service within your circles

3. Information updates from a user's stream

4. Photo upload

5. Check in

Since its invitation-only emergence a couple of weeks ago, Google+ is growing -- fast. Google's CEO Larry Page said there were more than 10 million users on the social network already, and more than 1 billion items shared every day.