Viral Tweet Reminds World Steve Jobs' Biological Father Was Syrian Migrant

While the circumstances may be different, one tweet reminds world what could be.

But one viral tweet has framed the crisis in a new light.

As the world woke up to the crisis with photos last week showing a drowned Syrian child on a beach, tech entrepreneur David Galbraith posted a photo of Jobs on Twitter along with a simple message: "A Syrian migrant's child."

Jobs' biological father was born in Syria and left to study in Beirut before continuing on to the United States in the 1950s. While Jobs was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, the tweet served as a reminder of the potential children like Aylan Kurdi, the little boy on the beach, could have if given the chance.

"I was prompted to post it after seeing the pictures of Aylan Kurdi," Galbraith told the Chicago Tribune. "I could barely look as I have two beautiful young children of my own. It seemed to be that what the most precious thing in the world, a small child, was washed up on the sea shore like a discarded object of no value, when a child with a parent of the same nationality, given opportunity had created the largest company in the entire world."

As of this morning, the tweet had more than 13,000 retweets and 6,800 favorites.