Funnies: Watch Out! Obama's Drinking Beer

A look at the best in late-night political comedy.

Aug. 2, 2009 — -- Here's a roundup of the late-night comics.

The Tonight Show

Conan O'Brien: President Obama, of course, everyone knows, has invited Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates and the police officer who arrested him to the White House for a beer. ... This could be trouble, because the last time Obama got a few beers in him, he bought General Motors.

The Tonight Show

O'Brien: You know, the meeting got off to a rough start when a neighbor called the police to say Gates was breaking into the White House.

The Colbert Report

Stephen Colbert: A president should never get involved in a local, city-specific issue. President Bush never did, no matter how flooded a city got.

The Daily Show

President Obama: Nobody is talking about reducing Medicare benefits. ... Tell your mom nobody is messing with with her doctor.

Jon Stewart: You know a sales pitch is in trouble when it starts with, "Look, you've got to trust me. We're not going to kill your grandparents."

Jimmy Kimmel Live

Jimmy Kimmel: I don't want to say that the president can't hold is liquor, but well, look what happened at his press conference this morning.

Reporter: Would you think your administration needs to be taking a harder line with Wall Street?

[Shot of faux Obama slumped over his lectern with a beer in his hand.]