Bizarre Travel Hoax Involves Fake Pregnancy and Search for Baby Daddy

Could this oddball video really attract tourists?

But it all turned out to be a bizarre tourism marketing campaign for Holiday Mooloolaba. Mooloolaba is a tourist destination on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia.

In a video posted to YouTube Aug. 30, a young woman who identifies herself as Natalie Amyot stands on a beach and says she had gone on a vacation to Mooloolaba three months earlier. She describes her amazing trip and says on the last night, she met a man and "had a beautiful night."

She returned to Mooloolaba, she said, to find him. Her video pleads with the public to share it and help her find her baby's father. It was viewed almost 2 million times.

On Tuesday, "Amyot" -- who has since been outed as an actress -- posted a new video called "I FOUND HIM." It's then revealed that the video was produced by Andy Seller of Sunny Coast Social Media for Holiday Mooloolaba.

"I know there's going to be a lot of you upset by this," Seller says to the camera.

He goes on to say that while "Amyot" was the face of the video, he did all the behind-the-scenes work.

Commenters on the reveal video are angry.

"Mooloolaba is a beautiful place, but why advertise in such a negative way? You've more than likely turned people away now. Great job," one person wrote.

"HEY YOU, I sincerely hope that nobody will ever come, but EVER, to your s***** moolooly spot. Which really sounds so s***** you have to create a f****** story about pregnant girls to get people over you f****** moron," wrote another.

In the video, Seller, the creator, says. "We just wanted to put Mooloolaba on the map because it's a wonderful place. So thank you for watching and we are going to do many, many more videos like this."