Quick Question Roundup

— -- Occasionally we ask for your opinion on a travel-related topic, inspired by what's happening in the news or the destinations covered by USA TODAY.

Most recently we asked about your worst road trip experience. Here's what you told us:

• 25% said their worst trip was caused by car trouble or an accident • 23% experienced family strife • 20% had a run-in with severe weather • 9% had problems with traffic or faulty navigation • 7% had an encounter with law enforcement • And another 11% chose "other"

Previous questions:

What's your number one reason for visiting Las Vegas?

Where is your favorite beach in the USA?

Which provides the best service when you travel?

Which wine region/country would you most like to visit?

What's the nicest airport you've traveled through?

What do you think will be the top travel trend of 2008?

Which is your favorite airplane for a long-haul flight?

Which milestone do you think most changed travel?