NYC Headmistress Sentenced to 14 Years in Sex Case

April 20, 2007— -- NEW YORK (AP) -- A former headmistress at an exclusive Manhattan Montessori school, convicted of having sex with an underage male student, has been sentenced to a maximum of 14 years in prison.

Lina Sinha showed no reaction at the sentence yesterday. Sinha must serve four and two-thirds years before being eligible for parole.

Sinha remains free on three-and-a-half (m) million dollars bond until Monday while her lawyers appeal the conviction. The bond is secured by three Montessori schools her parents own - in Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn.

Sinha was convicted of sodomizing a student when he was 13 and again when he was older. She was also convicted of trying to bribe a second teen to lie about their sexual relationship.