5 Things to Know This Morning

5 Things to Know This Morning

Nov. 28, 2012 — -- Your look at the five biggest and most buzz-worthy stories of the morning.

1. Bob Dole Hospitalized

Former Senator and presidential nominee Bob Dole was hospitalized for what his spokeswoman described as a routine procedure and is expected to leave the hospital today. Dole overcame war wounds to endure a 36-year political career.

2. White House to Send Congress Sandy Relief Request

The White House is expected to send Congress a multi-billion dollar request to fund relief efforts after Superstorm Sandy. Congressional aides said there was no clear indication of the size of the request but some estimated it would be at least $11 billion. The storm caused an estimated $71 billion in damages in New York and New Jersey.

3. Dozens of New Orleans Firefighters to Help Sandy Relief

Three dozen firefighters from New Orleans are heading to New York to help firefighters clean up after Superstorm Sandy. After Katrina, 600 firefighters from New York went to New Orleans to help with clean up efforts there.

4. Black Friday Spending Down

Gallup says Black Friday was a bit of a "turkey" with consumer spending averaging $67 per day in the week ending Nov. 25. This number is down from $83 per day a year ago.

5. Sales Jump on Cyber Monday

Online sales among some of the biggest U.S. retailers jumped about 30 percent on Cyber Monday, according to data from IBM Corp.'s Smaller Commerce arm. This number is up compared to last year's 33 percent rise.