The Conversation: Fed Up Friday with ABC's Diane Sawyer

Fed Up Friday: Diane Sawyer helps viewers get answers to their problems.

Feb. 5, 2010— -- Its "Fed Up Friday." You tell us what bugs you and Diane will find someone who can help you get answers.

Today, we talk to Teri, whose been waiting for nearly 6 months to get a car replacement part -- without the part, her windows won't roll down. All the dealership keeps saying is that the part is on back-order -- not much of a solution. Luckily Natalie Neff, a road expert from AutoWeek magazine helps Teri get results.

We also helped out Kerry -- his credit card rates just keep going up and he doesn't know where to turn for help. So Farnoosh Torabi, author of "You're So Money" has come to the rescue with tips to keep your rates down and your credit card in control.

Check out this week's Conversation for solutions that can help you too – and make sure to submit ideas about what bugs you for next week's "Fed Up Friday."