With Midterm Elections One Month Away, Which Party Will Win Control in November?

'World News' wants to know what you think. Share your comments below.

Oct. 5, 2010— -- Exactly one month from now, voters will head to the polls to decide one of the most hotly-contest midterm elections in recent years.

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows that while Republicans still have an advantage, the race is tightening as the vote draws nearer.

When asked directly about the midterm races, likely voters now say they favor the Republican vs. the Democratic candidate in their district by 49 to 43 percent. That Republican advantage has dropped from the wide margin of 53 to 40 last month.

What's the explanation? Some 31 percent of Americans say the economy is improving, up 7 points from a month ago. Dissatisfaction with the federal government is now down 7 points, though it's still high at 71 percent of Americans.

Our question to you today: Which party do you think will win control in November?

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