Real Money: Save Big on Your Auto Repair Bill

Are auto repair bills making you blow a gasket? "Real Money" has the tips and tools to make sure you get mileage out of your dollar.

Meet Your New Best Pal: Repair Pal

A free app called Repair Pal will help you figure out how much those repairs should really cost. In one area, it says that you can get new brake pads for as little as $233. After calling local mechanics, ABC News found some that were charging up to $325. Repair Pal also vets mechanics and recommends those who guarantee their work. But it should be noted those mechanics pay to go through Repair Pal's approval process - and if they pass - get listed on their site.

You May Not Need to Go to the Auto Shop

Want to avoid the auto shop? A new service called Your Mechanic finds trusted independent mechanics who come to you. In addition, the mechanic does not have to worry about overhead, so they tend to do the work for about 40 percent cheaper than an auto shop. Now available in San Francisco, the service is starting to sprout up all around the country.

Diagnose Your Own Car

Blinking dashboard light? A new gadget called Car M.D. could help you figure out exactly what's wrong with your car and what the repair should cost before even seeing a mechanic. The device costs just more than $100, and could pay for itself by helping you avoid unnecessary repairs.

(Credit: ABC News)