Lesbian Denied Divorce From Wife: 'Laws Are Unclear'

                                                                        (Image Credit: Steve Ruark/AP Photo)

Like many young couples, Jessica Port and Virginia Anne Cowan fell hard for each other and decided to head to the alter.

The Maryland couple tied the knot in California in 2010 during the period when same-sex marriage was legal.  But the romance ended after two year union and divorce papers being filed.

"Everything went as planned and then it was denied on the basis of us being female," Port told ABCNews.com.

Same-sex weddings are not legal in Maryland, though a handful of same-sex divorces have been approved by the state, the Associated Press reported.

"This has been an issue for a lot of people where the laws are unclear," Port said. "It depends on which circuit court judge you get."

The case has climbed its way to the state's Court of Appeals, which heard oral arguments on Friday.

Port said although her split with Cowan was amicable and the two "communicate on occasion," being granted a divorce would allow the women to fully move on with their separate lives.

"The big part of this is the emotional implications of being tied to someone you don't want to be tied to, [limiting] the possibility of us moving on to other relationships, having children," Port said.

It is not clear when the court will hand down a ruling.