Octogenarian Couple Complete Bucket List - Visit Every State Capital

Image credit: Tom Bell/Portland Press Herald
A Texas couple can check off one more item on their bucket list.
Nita Lou Webb, 81, and Marcine Webb, 86, of San Angelo, Texas, visited the Maine House of Representatives on June 7, ending a journey that took them to all 50 state capitals.
"It started by accident," Marcine Webb told ABC News. "We were traveling to different states and then we just decided to go to all the states and state capitals."
For their final stop, the couple sat in the back row of the Maine House gallery as the representatives below debated agriculture policy.
"Usually our visitors are students or locals who come in tour groups," said Ed Ford, a legislative aide who helped the couple with their trip. "Because this couple was from out of state and such a special case, I wanted to make sure they got recognition."
The Webbs were met with a standing ovation and a round of applause.
"We were watching the House, and then they took a break and took a moment to recognize my wife and I," said Webb
"They were very down to earth, and taken aback by how friendly everyone was," Ford said. "They were very interested in the architecture."
Indeed, one of the highlights of the Webbs' travels, they said, was seeing the different architecture styles in each state capitol building.
"As for as architecture, they were all outstanding," Webb said. "The capitol in Texas really impressed me. New Mexico gave us an outstanding tour, the Native American heritage was beautiful."
The Webbs' daughters planned their trip to Maine as an anniversary present. The couple will celebrate their 65th anniversary this August.