Lindsey Graham Says Rick Santorum Wrong on Economy

(ABC News)

Sen. Lindsey Graham today said on "This Week" that GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum was wrong Saturday when he said the improving economy could hurt Republican chances in the November elections.

"I don't think he's right at all," the South Carolina Republican said. "This is an anemic recovery after a pretty long recession."

Santorum , a former senator from Pennsylvania,  Saturday said after coming off a victory in Kansas that "the economy may be getting better and Republicans may lose their edge on that issue."

Graham said, however, "The policies of the president are going to make it impossible for this country to recover."

Graham appeared with Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., who said the president's policies have led to a stronger economy.

"The Republican Party is on the defensive," Schumer said. "Well, I think the Republican Party is on the defensive.  The president was handed an awful situation, everyone knows that, greatest recession since the depression, 700,000 jobs lost the year he took office, and now it's turning around because of his steadfastness," he said.