Roseanne Barr Apologizes (Kind Of) for Chick Fil-A Tweet

Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Roseanne Barr, failed Green Party presidential candidate and comedian, kind of apologized for her tweets on Wednesday attacking Chick Fil- A. Barr, who vocally opposes the stand against same-sex marriage taken by Chick-fil-A's president, Dan Cathy, initially tweeted, "anyone who eats S*** Fil-A deserves to get the cancer that is sure to come from eating antibiotic filled tortured chickens 4Christ."
Later, Barr tweeting again "off to grab a s*** fil-A sandwich on my way to worshipping Christ, supporting Aipac and war in Iran."
After receiving backlash regarding her insensitivity to cancer, Barr followed up with a series of tweets saying, "Rereading my tweet I realize that I used the wrong word-I shouldn't have used the word deserves."
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"I shouldn't have used the word deserved in my tweet and I apologize… what I meant was not that ppl deserve cancer-at all. I meant to warm ppl not 2 eat processed food."
She continued tweeting, saying, "I should have been more careful with my choice of words.'
Barr's "apology" was short-lived and directed only at the cancer comment- not her stance on Chick Fil-A's announcement. She continues to tweet rants against the fast food chain tweeting, "homophobes R actually helping to bring glbt rights to the fore-minds R changing quickly- #equality = #decency Thank U Mr. Cathy!"