Paul Ryan Solos, How Public Speaking is Like Bow Hunting, Ryan's Medicare Plan is Romney's Plan (PM Note)

The New York Times called it "the most closely watched bromance in American politics."

We kinda liked that. But how do their interests interplay? While the top of the ticket is a self professed hunter of varmints, the running mate had this to say recently…

Paul Ryan on How Public Speaking is Like Bow Hunting - "I remember the first time I gave a speech on the floor of congress. You know it's kind of a big deal when you go give your first speech. And as a big bow hunter whenever a deer is walking, you know, within my shooting range, then I'm going to shoot, whether it's a doe or a buck. My left lake just starts shaking. It's just a weird thing. And it's the only time that ever happens to my is my left leg just starts shaking because I'm just really - my heart starts beating. Bow hunters understand the nervousness, the excitement that you get. My first speech on the floor of Congress that's exactly what happened. My left leg just started shaking out of control. But after that first speech it stopped shaking. And I kind of got it under my belt.

That comes from a funny and personable interview of Ryan by a childhood friend, Tony Huml, on his web show "Softball" - Not "Hardball" - get it?

Ryan's Favorite movie? On "Softball" he says, "'The Good The Bad and the Ugly,' bar none. That and I've had 'Monty Python: Holy Grail' on my iPad. Bring me a shrubbery."

That was forwarded by ABC's John Parkinson, who has been digging into Paul Ryan's past in Wisconsin since last week.

'Paul Who?': Trailing The GOP Running Mate at the Iowa State Fair- From Jon Karl in Iowa: First, an observation: Aside from some very loud and persistent hecklers(some of whom came disguised as Romney supporters, complete with shirts and signs), Paul Ryan had a warm, enthusiastic reception at the Iowa State Fair. Back to the Heckling - Video: Corporations Are People Flashback - Mitt Romney at the Soap Box 367 Days Ago - A full recap of Ryan's first day from Greg Krieg -

Romney's Medicare Plan is Essentially Ryan's Most Recent Medicare Plan - On the topic of Medicare specifically, Romney backs the same outline Ryan drafted in conjunction with Democratic Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden in December. In fact, Romney's website implies the presumptive GOP nominee came up with it first. Where Romney's website lays out his Medicare plan, it enumerates the broad strokes of Ryan's latest iteration: an overhaul that would give seniors the options of 1) entering a voucher/subsidy program and buying government-approved private insurance programs, with "premium-support" checks to help with the payment, or 2) enrolling in Medicare's own coverage plan, like the program works today.

Erskine Bowles Praises Paul Ryan -

Jake Tapper Cataloged Obama vs. Ryan on World News… He's a more obvious foil for the president than Mitt Romney.

It was Obama and Ryan in Iowa Today - A Face-Off - Devin Dwyer reports: Iowa is fitting turf for a first campaign clash between the two men and their starkly contrasting economic visions for the country. The most recent polling shows Obama and Romney locked in a dead heat in the state, unlike several other battlegrounds where Obama has developed a slight lead -

Near-Even Split on Ryan - But With Positive Movement - Americans split nearly evenly on Paul Ryan's selection as Mitt Romney's vice presidential running mate, a divided response that nonetheless represents a sharp gain for Ryan compared with the negative tilt that preceded his pick, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll has found. (Gary Langer)

Obama Tells Rover Team to "Call me ASAP" If They Find Martians - (Matthew Larotonda)

Obama Blasts Ryan in Iowa for Blocking Farm Bill - Kicking off his campaign tour through Iowa, President Obama today wasted no time attacking Mitt Romney's new running mate, accusing Rep. Paul Ryan of blocking aid to ranchers and farmers who have been hurt by the severe drought. (Mary Bruce & Devin Dwyer)

Attorney General Eric Holder Sued on Fast and Furious-The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, led by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., has filed a civil contempt of Congress lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder in an effort to enforce a subpoena to obtain internal Justice Department memos about the botched ATF Fast and Furious gun-trafficking operation. (Jason Ryan)

After NJ Girls' Petition, Martha Raddatz, Candy Crowley Chosen to Moderate Debates - On Monday, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced that the three debates between President Barack Obama and GOP candidate Mitt Romney will be hosted by Candy Crowley, PBS's Jim Lehrer and CBS's Bob Schieffer. ABC's Martha Raddatz will host the vice presidential debate. (Meghan Kiesel)

Romney, After 'Exhaustion' Report, Hits the Gym- Following reports that he had cancelled a campaign event in Orlando due to exhaustion, Mitt Romney hit the gym this afternoon. (Emily Friedman)

Paul Ryan Found Himself at Miami University of Ohio - If vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan has hopes for the highest office in the land, he's in good company - among his fellow alumni at Miami University in Ohio is former president Benjamin Harrison, who is best known for signing the Sherman Antitrust Act and overseeing the heavy-spending "Billion Dollar Congress." (Kyle Blaine)

Bargain Shopper - Janna Ryan Sports Affordable Kohl's Dress-On her maiden voyage along the vice presidential campaign trail, the wife of Mitt Romney's newly announced running mate, Janna Ryan, made quite the fashion statement. (Amy Bingham)

Social Issues Are Not Ryan's Wheelhouse, But He Has Conservative Views - Abortion - Opposes even in cases of rape and incest Gay Adoption - Voted against Workplace protections for LGBT - Voted for DREAM Act - Opposes (Elizabeth Hartfield)

Further Polling Data on Ryan-A few other data points can support some of the themes that have arisen since the Ryan pick. (Note also, we'll have a new ABC News/Washington Post poll result measuring favorable or unfavorable views of the selection, later today.) (Gary Langer)

AM Note Replay - An Ideological Battle That Voters Don't Want-In picking Rep. Paul Ryan, whose eponymous budget plan has become synonymous with political polarization, Mitt Romney assured an ideological campaign where a debate over the role of government will be front and center. It is a debate the Obama campaign and partisans on both sides are also eager to have. But it's not a debate that swing voters want. (Amy Walter)