George Will: Impeachment Talk Is 'Silly'

ABC News
Below you can find some of the notable comments made Sunday on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." Appearing on today's show was Obama senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer, Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., and Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y.
Plus, our "This Week" powerhouse roundtable guests included ABC News' George Will; National Journal Editorial Director Ron Fournier; American Urban Radio Networks White House Correspondent April Ryan; editor and publisher of The Nation Katrina vanden Heuvel; and ABC News Senior Washington Correspondent Jeff Zeleny.
Will weighs in on Republican reaction and 'silly' impeachment talk
WILL: That's silly. And it is possible to go too far. But Republicans perhaps cannot be blamed for saying a crisis is a terrible thing to waste. And there's a crisis of confidence and they are the political party that exists to say that government is necessary but always is a danger.
Pfeiffer thinks GOP owes Amb. Rice an 'apology'
PFEIFFER: But what they do - what they absolutely show beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that the Republican allegation that the White House, the State Department, someone else changed the CIA's assessment for political reasons, that is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be false. And so hopefully we can put this all behind us, and I - frankly I think that many of the Republicans who have been talking about this, now that they have seen the emails, owes Ambassador Rice an apology for the things they said about her in the wake of the attack.
Menendez on IRS reform: don't 'change' the law, 'pursue' it
MENENDEZ: It's not about changing the law, it is about investigating the law to make sure that it's applied appropriately. And where there are hundreds of millions of dollars being used for political advocacy and to determine the outcome of an election, and that people can get a tax break on that when they're not supposed to, that should be investigated as well. So we don't need to change the law, we're talking about pursuing the law.
Price says trust in government 'needs to be restored' in wake of scandals
PRICE: This is just the beginning of this process. And we need to get to the bottom of it. We need to find out who made those decisions, hold them to account and see how high up the chain it went. And that's exactly what we'll do… These weren't just some individuals at a low-level in the IRS. They don't make those kinds of decisions, you know that. The American people know that. What needs to be restored is trust.
Rangel calls it 'outrageous' that people were targeted by IRS 'for their political beliefs'
RANGEL: Whether they should have used these buzz words for conservatives or liberal, it is wrong and outrageous when people are penalized for their political beliefs.
Fournier asks of the 'scary' DOJ scandal, 'what are they willing to do to you?'
FOURNIER: Anybody out there watching this show, paying attention to the stories, got to worry about their own records. Because if [the Department of Justice] is willing to come after the world's oldest and largest news organization, knowing that the AP would disseminate this, knowing this would be a big deal - what are they willing to do to you? What are they willing to do to your mother back in Topeka? Knowing that she doesn't have the power of the Associated Press, this is scary.
Fournier on government incompetence, 'that's a bad place to be'
FOURNIER: The problem with this scandal and it actually relates to the other ones that we'll talk about later, is when you're in a position of government and saying we're not corrupt, we're just incompetent, that's a bad place to be.
Vanden Heuval calls scandals 'weapons of mass distraction' to Obama's agenda
VANDEN HEUVEL: The Republican party is unified by its determination to obstruct President Obama. It's doing a good job. One of the terrible things this past week to see again how it's obstructing the confirmation of appointees needed to run a functional government. However, I would say that the President, his administration is floundering because they haven't, they've allowed weapons of mass distraction to dominate because they haven't found their core agenda for the second term.
Zeleny says 'time is running out' on Obama's second-term agenda
ZELENY: There is no real agenda here and time is running out. The president had a meeting with some top advisers right after the election, and he said "how much time do I have?" And they basically said "about a year." Well it is now almost June, half of that year is up. And we know what's going to happen in the rest of the year. I mean all of these committees. As you said, a third of the committees are investigating the White House.
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