Rep. Paul Broun Would Back Obama Impeachment
Impeachment talk is all the rage-again.
Rep. Paul Broun, a GOP candidate for U.S. Senate in Georgia, indicated during a tea party-sponsored candidate forum this weekend that he would support the impeachment of President Obama.
Candidates at the Gilmer County GOP forum, including Broun, were asked by a questioner: "Clinton was impeached for perjury. Obama has perjured himself on multiple occasions. Would you support impeachment if presented for a vote?"
Broun, along with two other candidates, Derrick Grayson and Eugene Yu raised their hands, according to video of the event obtained by ABC News (watch video above). Neither Rep. Phil Gingrey nor Rep. Jack Kingston attended the forum.
Broun and his two Congressional colleagues, along with five other candidates, are vying for the Republican nomination to fill the open Senate seat that will be vacated by retiring Sen. Saxby Chambliss.
Throughout the primary, Broun has touted himself as the "true conservative" in the race, and many expect the crowded primary to shift candidates rightward.
In a statement, Broun defended his response to the question.
"If House leadership brought an impeachment vote before the floor, then there would certainly be good reason for doing so, with substantive information and evidence to impeach the President," Broun said. "With the President repeatedly bypassing Congress through executive order, lying to the American people on Obamacare, and failing to address what really happened in Benghazi, I can understand why this would be an important issue to many Georgians right now."
"What I don't understand, is how a candidate can claim to be a proven conservative, and yet if such a resolution was brought up for a vote, they would oppose it," he added.
Support for impeachment isn't exactly controversial in some conservative circles. Last summer, two members of Congress and one Senator discussed impeachment at town hall meetings with their constituents. One, Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Mich., said it would be a "dream come true."
The Republican nominee will likely face a top Democratic recruit, Michelle Nunn, daughter of former Sen. Sam Nunn, in the general election.
The video was first reported by The Daily Caller.
CORRECTION: U.S. Senate candidate Derrick Grayson raised his hand in support of impeachment at the forum, not Art Gardner.

(Drew Angerer/Getty Images)