Election 2014 Scorecard: How 6 Potential 2016 GOP Presidential Candidates Fared on the Campaign Trail

Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey show support for each other at a drive-in restaurant in Spartanburg, S.C., on Nov. 2, 2014. (Spartanburg Herald Journal/AP Photo)
We know that Election Day 2014 left the Democrats seeing red. But with midterms behind us, the focus now shifts to 2016.
The midterms gave potential 2016 presidential nominees a chance to hit the campaign trail early - for other candidates, of course.
Bill and Hillary Clinton maintained a frenzied schedule on the campaign trail for Democrats. As did Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley. But as it turns out, the candidates they endorsed - like so many Democrats - didn't fare so well, despite their travels.
Big name Republicans who might end up running for president in 2016 hit the stump too: Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Rick Perry.
ABC News took a look at how well the rumored 2016 contenders did for their candidates:
Chris Christie
Campaigned For: 33 Total Wins: 24 Total Losses: 9
Robert Bentley (AL-GOV) | WIN |
Asa Hutchinson (AR-GOV) | WIN |
Tom Cotton (AR-SEN) | WIN |
Doug Ducey (AZ-GOV) | WIN |
Neel Kashkari (CA-GOV) | LOSS |
Bob Beauprez (CO-GOV) | LOSS |
Tom Foley (CT-GOV) | LOSS |
Rick Scott (FL-GOV) | WIN |
Nathan Deal (GA-GOV) | WIN |
Terry Branstad (IA-GOV) | WIN |
Steve King (IA-REP) | WIN |
Joni Ernst (IA-SEN) | WIN |
Butch Otter (ID-GOV) | WIN |
Bruce Rauner (IL-GOV) | WIN |
Rodney Davis (IL-REP) | WIN |
Sam Brownback (KS-GOV) | WIN |
Larry Hogan (MD-GOV) | WIN |
Paul LePage (ME-GOV) | WIN |
Rick Snyder (MI-GOV) | WIN |
Jeff Johnson (MN-GOV) | LOSS |
Thom Tillis (NC-SEN) | WIN |
Pete Ricketts (NE-GOV) | WIN |
Walt Havenstein (NH-GOV) | LOSS |
Susana Martinez (NM-GOV) | WIN |
John Kasich (OH-GOV) | WIN |
Mary Fallin (OK-GOV) | WIN |
Tom Corbett (PA-GOV) | LOSS |
Allan Fung (RI-GOV) | LOSS |
Nikki Haley (SC-GOV) | WIN |
Bill Haslam (TN-GOV) | WIN |
Scott Walker (WI-GOV) | WIN |
Mitt Romney
Campaigned For: 32 Total Wins: 22 Total Losses: 6 4 Undecided
Sean Parnell (AK-GOV) | TBD |
Dan Sullivan (AK-SEN) | TBD |
Asa Hutchinson (AR-GOV) | WIN |
Tom Cotton (AR-SEN) | WIN |
Doug Ducey (AZ-GOV) | WIN |
Martha McSally (AZ-REP) | TBD |
Andy Tobin (AZ-REP) | LOSS |
Bob Beauprez (CO-GOV) | LOSS |
Mike Coffman (CO-REP) | WIN |
Cory Gardner (CO-SEN) | WIN |
David Perdue (GA-SEN) | WIN |
Joni Ernst (IA-SEN) | WIN |
Butch Otter (ID-GOV) | WIN |
Mike Simpson (ID-REP) | WIN |
Jim Risch (ID-SEN) | WIN |
Pat Roberts (KS-SEN) | WIN |
Mitch McConnell (KY-SEN) | WIN |
Bill Cassidy (LA-SEN) | TBD |
Charlie Baker (MA-GOV) | WIN |
Terri Lynn Land (MI-SEN) | LOSS |
Thom Tillis (NC-SEN) | WIN |
Ben Sasse (NE-SEN) | WIN |
Scott Brown (NH-SEN) | LOSS |
Susana Martinez (NM-GOV) | WIN |
Allan Fung (RI-GOV) | LOSS |
Mike Rounds (SD-SEN) | WIN |
Mia Love (UT-REP) | WIN |
Barbara Comstock (VA-REP) | WIN |
Ed Gillespie (VA-SEN) | LOSS |
Evan Jenkins (WV-REP) | WIN |
Alex Mooney (WV-REP) | WIN |
Shelley Moore Capito (WV-SEN) | WIN |
Jeb Bush
Campaigned For: 28 Total Wins: 22 Total Losses: 5 1 Undecided
Dan Sullivan (AK-SEN) | TBD |
Asa Hutchinson (AR-GOV) | WIN |
Tom Cotton (AR-SEN) | WIN |
Bob Beauprez (CO-GOV) | LOSS |
Mike Coffman (CO-REP) | WIN |
Cory Gardner (CO-SEN) | WIN |
Rick Scott (FL-GOV) | WIN |
Carlos Curbelo (FL-REP) | WIN |
Nathan Deal (GA-GOV) | WIN |
Terry Branstad (IA-GOV) | WIN |
Joni Ernst (IA-SEN) | WIN |
Bruce Rauner (IL-GOV) | WIN |
Pat Roberts (KS-SEN) | WIN |
Mitch McConnell (KY-SEN) | WIN |
Charlie Baker (MA-GOV) | WIN |
Paul LePage (ME-GOV) | WIN |
Rick Snyder (MI-GOV) | WIN |
Terri Lynn Land (MI-SEN) | LOSS |
Thom Tillis (NC-SEN) | WIN |
Scott Brown (NH-SEN) | LOSS |
Susana Martinez (NM-GOV) | WIN |
Brian Sandoval (NV-GOV) | WIN |
Mary Fallin (OK-GOV) | WIN |
Monica Wehby (OR-SEN) | LOSS |
Nikki Haley (SC-GOV) | WIN |
Bill Haslam (TN-GOV) | WIN |
Lamar Alexander (TN-SEN) | WIN |
Ed Gillespie (VA-SEN) | LOSS |
Rand Paul
Campaigned For: 24 Total Wins: 17 Total Losses: 7
Nathan Deal (GA-GOV) | WIN |
David Perdue (GA-SEN) | WIN |
Rod Blum (IA-REP) | WIN |
Steve King (IA-REP) | WIN |
David Young (IA-REP) | WIN |
Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-REP) | LOSS |
Joni Ernst (IA-SEN) | WIN |
Sam Brownback (KS-GOV) | WIN |
Pat Roberts (KS-SEN) | WIN |
Mitch McConnell (KY-SEN) | WIN |
Rick Snyder (MI-GOV) | WIN |
Dave Trott (MI-REP) | WIN |
Terri Lynn Land (MI-SEN) | LOSS |
Walter Jones (NC-REP) | WIN |
Thom Tillis (NC-SEN) | WIN |
Lee Terry (NE-REP) | LOSS |
Ben Sasse (NE-SEN) | WIN |
Walt Havenstein (NH-GOV) | LOSS |
Scott Brown (NH-SEN) | LOSS |
Tom Corbett (PA-GOV) | LOSS |
Bill Shuster (PA-REP) | WIN |
Mick Mulvaney (SC-REP) | WIN |
Dave Brat (VA-REP) | WIN |
Ed Gillespie (VA-SEN) | LOSS |
Marco Rubio
Campaigned For: 15 Total Wins: 11 Total Losses: 4
Tom Cotton (AR-SEN) | WIN |
Cory Gardner (CO-SEN) | WIN |
Rick Scott (FL-GOV) | WIN |
Steve Southerland (FL-REP) | LOSS |
David Jolly (FL-REP) | WIN |
Rod Blum (IA-REP) | WIN |
Joni Ernst (IA-SEN) | WIN |
Aaron Schock (IL-REP) | WIN |
Walt Havenstein (NH-GOV) | LOSS |
Marilinda Garcia (NH-REP) | LOSS |
Scott Brown (NH-SEN) | LOSS |
Susanna Martinez (NM-GOV) | WIN |
Jeff Duncan (SC-REP) | WIN |
Tim Scott (SC-SEN) | WIN |
Barbara Comstock (VA-REP) | WIN |
Rick Perry
Campaigned For: 17 Total Wins: 11 Total Losses: 6
Jeff Gorell (CA-REP) | LOSS |
Bob Beauprez (CO-GOV) | LOSS |
Rick Scott (FL-GOV) | WIN |
Terry Branstad (IA-GOV) | WIN |
Rod Blum (IA-REP) | WIN |
Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-REP) | LOSS |
Joni Ernst (IA-SEN) | WIN |
Sam Brownback (KS-GOV) | WIN |
Thom Tillis (NC-SEN) | WIN |
Susana Martinez (NM-GOV) | WIN |
Rob Astorino (NY-GOV) | LOSS |
Grant Lally (NY-REP) | LOSS |
Tom Corbett (PA-GOV) | LOSS |
Nikki Haley (SC-GOV) | WIN |
Mick Mulvaney (SC-REP) | WIN |
Greg Abbott (TX-GOV) | WIN |
Veronica Stracqualursi contributed to this report.