Oreo Separator Machine Solves Age-Old Cookie Ritual

Oreo, the surprise social media darling of the 2013 Super Bowl, is back with a viral video promising to "make the world a better and more efficient place" for people who participate in the time-honored ritual of twisting Oreo cookies open before eating them.

(Image Credit: Youtube/Oreo)

David Neevel, a physicist and copywriter, is featured in the first of a series of videos Oreo plans to release showing off inventors' solutions to solve the age-old cookie versus creme battle.

WATCH: Oreo Separator Machine

"My Oreo separator machine is entirely based on the dislike of creme and preference for cookie," Neevel said. "It goes by OSM. It's just an acronym."

Neevel's Rube Goldberg machine takes a typical Oreo cookie, splits it perfectly with a hatchet, scrubs off the creme, and delivers two separate chocolate wafers into a tray.

Neevel said he doesn't have a catchphrase for the OSM yet, but suggested some possibilities: "Let's get that creme out of there," or "This creme's no good; get it off the cookies."

The machine was made using aluminum scraps, motors, wires and wood, he said.

"It was a big-time commitment to build the machine," Neevel joked."I didn't get to see my girlfriend or my dog for hours at a time."

The video is part of Oreo's "Cookie vs. Creme" campaign.