Lost in a Sea of Facebook Comments? Tiered Replies on the Way

If you've ever had a running conversation in a Facebook thread, you know the experience: Each time you comment in reply to someone's post, your thoughts might be buried beneath heaps of unrelated chatter. Piecing together just what is being said by who can be a confusing chore, and tagging your conversation partner or partners can only do so much to help.

Facebook is aiming to change that today, at least in response to posts by businesses and brands, as it offers the ability to reply directly to others in comment sections. In other words, users can start conversation threads.

For those hoping that the feature be implemented on personal posts, you'll have to have a minimum of 10,000 followers for it to be activated.

The concept has at least one proven test-case, on Facebook's announcement post for threaded replies, the top comment is currently "finally a facebook interface update i'm actually glad about!"

According to Marketing Land, Facebook's cover image guidelines for pages are also shifting. A revised set of rules may mean that you'll be seeing more marketing in the future, as Facebook's ban has been lifted for listing websites on cover photos, featuring calls to action on cover photos and integrating arrows that point to the "like" button on cover photos.