Kristen Stewart Says She's Grown Up During Breaking Dawn Part 2 Press Conference

Soundbites from the cast of Breaking Dawn Part 2, the final Twilight film.

ByABC News
November 2, 2012, 12:03 PM

Nov. 2, 2012— -- Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson did not say a word to each other yesterday at a press conference in Los Angeles for their new film Breaking Dawn Part 2. They didn't even look at each other. Still, she admitted to having grown up through the whole process of making the Twilight saga, and Pattinson confessed he was starstruck by Stewart when they first auditioned together. Aw!

Turns out the star-crossed lovers each conducted their own, separate Q&A sessions, as did Taylor Lautner, so therefore were never in the same room together, at least not in front of the press. (MTV News got the exclusive joint inteview with the three stars later that day, and they're as awkward and cute as ever.)

There was a palpable sense of relief from filmmakers and the entire cast -- especially coming from K-Stew and R-Patz -- to wrap things up with this series and move on to what the rest of their careers/lives will look like, even if there's also an inevitable hint of nostalgia.

This is indeed a difficult time for Twihards, accepting that Breaking Dawn Part 2, out November 16, is the final film in the hugely successful Twilight series, and as such, represents the end for Bella, Edward, Jacob, and the entire universe of vampire and werewolves that the now-mega-rich Stephenie Meyer built from her overactive imagination.

I won't spoil the movie for you but I will say this: it's laugh-out-loud funny at times (surprising for a Twilight movie, I know); Stewart has never looked better on screen (even if she is a bloodthirsty vampire now, rocking the red contacts and all); the Jacob-Renesmee storyline is pulled off in a sweet, non creepy way; the Volturi have never been more terrifying and threatening to the Cullens and the werewolves; the introduction of all the new vampires (Lee Pace, particularly) is really what makes this film feel fresh and fun.

Here are some of the best soundbites from the movie's main stars, taken from our #BreakingDawnPart2 live-tweets during the press conference (follow us if you don't already, @uninewsent.)

I don't know about you, but I believe Stewart when she says, "I've grown up a bit."


Robert Pattinson took a seat and everyone snapped away.

"The way the Twilight fans connect with the story is visceral, it can't really be explained," Pattinson said when asked why he thinks these stories have had the impact they've had.

"What advice would I give myself looking back to 1st Twilight film? I dunno. Drink vodka, not beer, and try and get a six-pack a lot quicker in order to be a much more successful actor," Pattinson joked in his British accent.

"Franchise is a Burger King, not a movie," he said about the widely used term to describe the Twilight series.

At some point, Pattinson was asked a random question, but his answer revealed something interesting: "What do I think lasts forever? Hope. I don't know, that's kind of a difficult question." And then he laughed awkwardly, which was oddly endearing.

Rob said he was starstruck the first time he met Kristen Stewart at the Twilight audition, even though he'd only seen her in a few things. "Fame came later for me," he said.

"I have no idea how people will remember this, but I hope they do," he said, on the legacy of the movies.

He said he'd like to have more control over his public image going forward, when asked what he's learned over the course of the Twilight movies.

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