Palin Backstab? Commissioner Praised Then Fired

Exclusive video shows Gov. thanking Monegan before women's groups.

ByABC News
September 11, 2008, 10:05 AM

September 11, 2008— -- Advocates for women's issues in Alaska have come to the defense of the state's former public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, abruptly fired by Governor Sarah Palin in July.

Monegan spent Wednesday testifying before a legislative commission which is investigating allegations Palin abused her office in firing him. Monegan claims he was dismissed because he resisted pressure from the Governor and her office to fire the Governor's former brother-in-law.

Some women's advocates say Monegan was one of the few state officials to take seriously the "epidemic" problem of violence against women and children in Alaska.

"I don't believe Gov. Palin has made this a priority," said Geran Tarr, co-chair of the Alaska Women's Lobby. "We have not seen Gov. Palin do anything that would indicate this is a priority."

Due to a production error, Geran Tarr was misidentified on the Good Morning America version of this story as being with the Alaska Women's Center. That was not correct. Ms. Tarr is with the Alaska Women's Lobby.

Watch Charles Gibson's exclusive interviews with Gov. Sarah Palin beginning tonight on "World News" and "Nightline." Charles Gibson will do three interviews with Gov. Palin today and tomorrow. More Friday on "Good Morning America " at 7 a.m. ET," "World News" and on "20/20," which will broadcast a one-hour special edition at 10 p.m. ET/9 p.m. CT.

Others preferred to distance themselves from the issue -- including AWAIC, a women's shelter in Anchorage that was shown on Good Morning America Thursday.

"We regret that the name of our group was included in the story, that we hoped would focus on domestic abuse issues instead of the politics of this," said center director Judy Cordell, after the story aired. "We try to steer clear of politics and stay focused on the issue" of domestic violence, Cordell said.

She added that Tarr did not speak for her organization.

Palin herself had nothing but praise for Monegan and his work on the issue at a conference earlier this year, just three months before she fired him, supposedly because he was not a team player on budget issues.

A tape obtained exclusively by ABC News shows Palin at a conference Apr. 28, where she acknowledges and even applauds Monegan.

"An indication of our commitment is the participation here of my, our, department of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan's participation here and all of his hard work, and I want to publicly thank him," Palin said.

She went on to say that Monegan was not just talking about the issue, but was "finding the solutions and plugging them in."

"I want to publicly thank Walt for having his heart in the right place and his efforts too," Palin said in her opening remarks. The footage was shot for Blinding Justice, a documentary in-progress that sheds light on the sexual abuse epidemic in Alaska.

"Troopergate" has turned into the most serious cloud hanging over Palin as she campaigns as John McCain's vice presidential candidate. But Monegan's firing means much more than just politics for victims groups, who say the Governor, unlike Monegan, has failed to take decisive action to support programs that help women who are beaten and raped.

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