Petraeus Affair: Shirtless FBI Pic Appears to Be Playful

Federal agent ID'd as central player in scandal that brought down CIA director.

ByABC News
November 15, 2012, 8:36 AM

Nov. 15, 2012 — -- The shirtless photograph of an FBI agent sent to the Florida socialite at the center of the David Petraeus affair scandal seems to support an earlier assertion by the agent's lawyer that the picture was just a "joke" and not evidence of an illicit affair with the socialite.

The photo, reportedly sent months ago by FBI agent Fredrick Humphries to several people including Tampa socialite Jill Kelley and a Seattle Times reporter, shows Humphries bare-chested and smiling with his arms around two shooting range dummies – all three share a striking resemblance. The Seattle Times posted the photo today.

Humphries was identified late Wednesday as the FBI agent who was first contacted by Kelley over alleged harassing emails from an anonymous sender. An investigation started by Humphries into the emails would eventually reveal they were sent by Paula Broadwell, a close associate of and biographer for David Petraeus, and that Broadwell, 40, and Petraeus, 60, were having an affair. The married CIA Director resigned from his post over the weekend.

READ: Who Is Jill Kelley?

But before Humphries was identified, questions were raised about his own relationship with Kelley after several major media outlets revealed he had sent her a shirtless photo of himself.

Lawrence Berger, a lawyer for Humphries, told ABC News Wednesday that his client had known the Kelley family for years and that the picture was just a "joke picture." Berger described a photo that matches the one that now appears on the Seattle Times' website and said it was sent to Kelley and her husband long before the harassing emails in question were received.

"There was absolutely no romantic involvement or relationship whatsoever between Agent Humphries and Jill Kelley," said Berger.

TIMELINE: Sex and the Spy, The Petraeus Affair

Berger also said it was incorrect to identify Humphries as a "whistleblower" in the case, but would not comment on a New York Times report that said Humphries had gone to Rep. Dave Reichart, R-Wash., when he became concerned the FBI probe into Petraeus' affair had been stalled for political reasons. Officials said the White House was not notified about the investigation until a day after President Obama's reelection – months after the FBI had discovered evidence of the Petraeus-Broadwell affair.

The Times reported that Reichert put Humphries in touch with House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor , R-Va., who then passed the message to FBI Director Robert Mueller. Before Humphries was identified, Cantor confirmed his contact with an FBI agent involved in the case, and later Reichert's office said it "stands by the accuracy" of The Times report.

Humphries has worked as a supervisor on Joint Terrorism Task Force in Tampa and has worked on high-profile terrorism cases.

In Seattle, Humphries worked the so-called Millennium terror plot in 1999, which prevented an Algerian al Qaeda member from bombing Los Angeles International Airport.

More recently, he testified in Florida in a terrorism case of Florida student Youssef Megahed and his associates.

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