The Bush Administration's Midnight Regulations

Critics say proposed rules would hurt consumers, environment, safety.

ByABC News
October 30, 2008, 10:02 AM

October 30, 2008— -- The Bush administration is trying to push through a wave of new regulations despite a promise by the White House to ban last-ditch rule-making in the waning days of the presidency, say watchdog groups and experts.

Every administration tries to pass last minute rules in hopes of leaving a lasting mark. But experts say the Bush administration is expected to approve a greater number more quickly than previous administrations – something they said could lead to bad and costly policy.

"The administration wants to leave a legacy," said Gary Bass, executive director of OMB Watch, which has been critical of these proposals. "But across the board it means less protection for the public."

The proposed regulations are of particular concern to watchdog groups who say they could hurt public safety, the environment and consumers.

Among the newest proposed regulations, according to OMB Watch:

"It's safe to say that these regulations are designed to serve regulated industry and the conservative agenda," said Bass.

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