The Six Worst Airplane Passengers of 2009
Drunken passengers are just the beginning of the worst fliers so far this year.
May 6, 2009 — -- We've all heard about (and sometimes seen for ourselves) the ugly side of the airlines.
I'm talking about Surly Sue, the flight attendant with the fake smile, the snippy manner and the "don't even think about asking for another pack of peanuts" glare. Or how about the Clueless Customer Service Guy, who has no idea when the next available flight is, and clearly doesn't care.
But you know what? Some of those unpleasant airline employees (and there aren't many, believe me) are complete and utter delights when you compare them to some of the customers.
The ones I call nightmare passengers -- the people who torment the flight crews and leave the rest of us begging for mercy. Yes, their numbers are tiny, too. But not tiny enough.
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In case you haven't been keeping up, here's my short list of Worst Passengers of 2009: