Verizon Strike Nearing End?

ByABC News
August 20, 2000, 6:58 PM

W A S H I N G T O N, Aug. 20 -- A two-week strike against the nations largestlocal phone company appeared to be nearing an end today, as unionofficials and Verizon Communications moved toward final agreementsto replace contracts for 87,000 phone workers in 12 Eastern states.

Tentative accords had been reached with the two of threebargaining units, according to sources familiar with the talks.Final agreements could come as early this evening.

After weeks of nearly round-the-clock discussions, some unionbargainers packed up their bags and left the hotel negotiation sitelate this afternoon, satisfied the talks here were basicallyfinished. Officials from the International Brotherhood ofElectrical Workers (IBEW) were among those.

The talks involved three negotiating groups, one representingthe IBEW and two from the Communications Workers of America (CWA).

Working Out Final Issues

Company officials declined to characterize the status of thetalks, saying only that they were continuing and making progress.

This will be over when we have a signed agreement, saidVerizon spokesman Eric Rabe. It wont be over until then.

Union representatives said earlier today they werereviewing language in the companys proposals, but believedthat both sides largely had addressed major points of contentionsuch as working conditions and job security.

We have really narrowed the issues. We are working out thelast couple of things, said Jeff Miller of the CWA, the larger ofthe two unions on strike. Weve made really substantial progresson all the major issues important to our members.

Major Progress Made

Myles Calvey, negotiator for the IBEW, which represents about14,700 workers in the talks, said he believed today wasdefinitely the day for a deal.

Rabe offered a more tempered view, noting that the parties havebeen reviewing language for a long time. He said the companyresumed some formal bargaining sessions with the unions thismorning.