Oreo Celebrates 100 Years of Twisting, Licking and Dunking

It's sold in more than 100 countries and comes in countless varieties.

ByABC News
February 29, 2012, 8:45 PM

March 1, 2012 — -- intro: The Oreo is turning 100! Get your glass of milk ready!

Created on March 6, 1912, in a National Biscuit Co. bakery in Manhattan, the sandwich cookie has come a long way from its first sale to a grocer by the name of S.C. Thuesen in Hoboken, N.J.

Now an international favorite, Oreos can be bought in more than 100 countries and rake in $1.5 billion in global annual revenues. More than 95 million cookies are sold each day.

Becky Tousey, Kraft Foods' corporate archivist -- aka "Oreo historian" -- said the brand's message had maintained the same theme in its advertising over the years.

"The focus of advertising was on the fun of eating Oreos, the fun of the parts of the Oreo," she told ABC News. "It has that theme of the enjoyment -- the twisting, the licking, the dunking. For me, as a historian, it's fun to see that thread throughout."

The cookie's popularity has endured through at least five design changes and the National Biscuit Co.'s name change to Nabisco and then eventual takeover by Kraft Foods.

"It's always been a top seller -- if not, the top seller for quite a few decades," Tousey said of the Oreo brand. "Even early on, it became clear to the National Biscuit Co. that it was one of its flagship brands and the company really supported it. ... [Oreo] has demonstrated decade after decade that it continues to endure."

Continue reading to find out which flavor Oreo cookie is loved in Indonesia...

quicklist: 1url: title: The Oreo

text: Whether it's twisted and licked or simply dunked, the Oreo has hardcore fans.

The cookie currently has more than 25 million fans on its Facebook page and also has a street named after it -- Oreo Way -- in New York City.

The cookie, which takes 59 minutes to make, consists of 12 flowers, 12 dots and 12 dashes on each side. Each cookie has 90 ridges.

No one has been credited with coming up with the Oreo idea and there are many theories on the origins of the name. Tousey said that she believed the name came from combining the "re" in creme and the two "o's" in chocolate.

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quicklist: 2url: title: From 'Biscuit' to 'Sandwich'


In 1921, the Oreo biscuit became an Oreo sandwich. And in 1937, that name changed to the Oreo creme sandwich.

Oreos are made from 29 percent creme and 71 percent cookie. They are made in 21 bakeries around the world. Kraft Foods estimates that more than 500 billion Oreos have been sold since 1912.

According to the company, past market research found that while 84 percent of men ate the cookie whole, 41 percent of women pulled the cookie apart. Where do you stand?

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quicklist: 3url: title: 'Oh! Oh! Oreo'

text: The brand has had some memorable advertising campaigns, including the "Oh! Oh! Oreo!" slogan of the 1950s and the "Father and Son" television commercials in 1989 that launched the brand's "Moments" campaign.

In 1965, Oreos also started becoming available in a cardboard carton, in addition to cellophane bags and single-serve packets.

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quicklist: 4url: title: 'Who's the Kid?'


Do you remember this iconic advertisement released by the Oreo brand?

"Who's the Kid With the Oreo Cookie?" started to appear in 1986. That year Oreo ice cream was introduced to Canada and a year later, the brand celebrated its 75th birthday with Big Stuf cookies and fudge-covered Oreos.

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quicklist: 5url: title: Oreos in China

text: In its 100-year existence, the cookie has been introduced in many countries, including China in 1996.

Ten years later, Kraft Foods said that Oreo became the country's No. 1 selling biscuit.

Oreos in China come in Green Tea as well as Double Fruit flavors such as orange and mango or raspberry and blueberry. Oreo wafers are also popular in China.

For its 100th birthday, Oreo plans to hold a fireworks show at the famous Shanghai Bund.

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quicklist: 6url: title: Double Stuf in Mexico

text: Popular in the U.S. and Mexico, Double Stuf Oreos were released to the public in 1974. They were later introduced to Canada.

There are several kinds of Oreos sold in Mexico. They include the Trio Chocolate, which has three different chocolates in each cookie, and Oreos with a cookies and creme filling.

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quicklist: 7url: title: Golden Oreo


The Golden Oreo launched in 2004 and five years later, the Golden Double Stuf arrived.

In 2003, the brand released the Uh-Oh! that included two golden wafers with chocolate creme in the middle. It was an instant hit.

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quicklist: 8url: title: Oreos in Indonesia

text: According to Kraft Foods, Indonesia ranked as one of the brand's biggest and fastest growing markets in 2010.

Besides the traditional flavors of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, Oreos in Indonesia come in Blueberry Ice Cream, Orange Ice Cream, Golden Vanilla and Double Delight (chocolate and peanut).

Kraft Foods says it has constructed a park in Indonesia with a large playground in celebration of Oreo's birthday.

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quicklist: 9url: title: Cookies in Argentina

text: Argentines have loved Oreos since the cookie was introduced in 1995.

In 2010, the Oreo x3 or "Por Tres" was launched. It features three layers of cookie and two layers of creme.

The Oreo Duo features creme in a split of flavors -- strawberry and vanilla or banana and dulce de leche.

And the Oreo Alfajor pays tribute to a traditional Argentine snack cake. It features three layers of cookies and creme all covered in chocolate.

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quicklist: 10url: title: The Triple Double

text: This cookie inspired Argentine's x3 and is sold in the U.S.

For Halloween, the creme filling has been colored orange. Red creme has been offered for the holiday season.

Other Oreo varieties have included Chocolate Creme cookies, Mint and Creme, and Coffee and Creme. There are also the Oreo Brownie and Oreo Cakesters and Oreo Fudgees.

How many different Oreos have you tried?

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quicklist: 11url: title: Birthday Cake

text: This year, in time for its 100th, Oreo unveiled a limited edition cookie with a confetti-sprinkled creme center that tastes like birthday cake.

Kraft Foods' Basil Maglaris said the treat was on shelves for a short period and could be brought back if customers loved it.

Oreo also has asked its fans to share their favorite cookie moments online and Facebook fans can send an e-card with a personalized greeting. There will also be nearly 150 parties held around the world including in bakeries and sales locations.

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