A Goofy Ride: 50 Years of Disneyland

ByABC News
May 2, 2005, 3:59 PM

ORLANDO, Fla., May 5, 2005 — -- When Walt Disney traveled across the United States in the early 1950s to meet with amusement park operators and discuss his plans for a theme park based on his characters, they called him goofy, dopey -- and a whole lot worse.

"No one in the amusement business really thought Disneyland had a chance," said Dennis Spiegel of International Theme Park Services, which works with parks in 40 countries.

"They thought Disney was this Hollywood entertainer drunk on the success of his cartoons and movies," Spiegel said. "The word 'theme park' didn't even exist."

Today, as Disney (the parent company of ABC News) launches "The Happiest Celebration on Earth," it's abundantly clear that the company founder invented an industry that revolutionized family entertainment. But as Disney prepares to open its 11th park (in Hong Kong), and with competition from existing parks growing, Disneyland's 50th anniversary comes along with tremendous challenges -- and the success of the company's theme parks are critical to its overall future.

"Here is where our characters live and our stories come to life," said Robert Iger, Disney's CEO-elect, at a presentation introducing a new wave of attractions and family-focused vacation plans to an auditorium with more than 500 reporters.

Growth in the theme park industry is not what it once was. Since the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, roller-coaster operators have been hurtled downward, as a shaky economy and fears over security slowed the travel business.

Only last year did it seem apparent that the industry was turning the corner. Attendance at the top 50 North American theme parks was up 4 percent last year, a return for the first time to pre-Sept. 11 figures, according to Amusement Business, a trade publication.

Last year, more than an estimated 169 million people in America -- and 252 million worldwide -- strapped themselves into thrill rides like Space Mountain, and Disney accounts for eight of the world's Top 10 most-visited theme parks.