Connecticut Artist Makes Morgan Freeman Portrait From Salt

The artist, Brian Owens, says it took him 14 hours to complete the portrait.

ByABC News
January 11, 2016, 3:15 PM

— -- A Connecticut artist has taken a unique approach in honoring one of his favorite actors, Morgan Freeman.

The artist, 24-year-old Brian Owens, created a portrait of the Oscar-winning actor using salt.

The result, which Owens recently posted to Instagram, is a painstakingly detailed portrait that looks like it could be a photograph of the “Million Dollar Baby” star.

Brian Owens, of West Hartford, Conn., created a portrait of actor Morgan Freeman using salt.
Courtesy Brian Owens

Owens, of West Hartford, Conn., says it took him 14 hours over the span of two days to complete the piece of art.

“The crucial part to this is getting the proportions right,” Owens told ABC News today by email. “This takes the most time for me, lightly shaking down salt in the general outline of whatever I'm trying to replicate and constantly taking pictures to compare mine side-by-side with the original [photograph].”

“I use a playing card to shape the outer edges,” Owens explained of his process. “Once I feel like I have a good outline, I start going in and adding more coverage. It's pretty simple; the brightest areas get the most salt, and the darkest should be salt-less.”

“To pick out the details, I use a small brush to push around the salt. If I need to remove salt in tight areas, I lick my finger and dab the area of interest.”

Owens, who works for an engineering contracting firm and pursues art in his free time, says he chose Freeman because he is one of his favorite actors, and because of his distinct features.

“He has such a compelling charm that shines through his characters and one of the most distinguished, big-screen voices of all time,” Owens wrote. “He also serves as a good subject to portray because of his recognizable facial features (i.e. freckles and frizzy hair).”