The Osbourne Family's Woes

Jack Osbourne's MS diagnosis is the latest setback for the famous family.

ByABC News
June 18, 2012, 10:59 AM

June 19, 2012 — -- intro: For the Osbourne family, Jack Osbourne's multiple sclerosis diagnosis is the latest of many setbacks.

The clan helmed by heavy metal rocker Ozzy and "America's Got Talent" judge Sharon has been through a host of ups and downs, many of which have been played out in the public eye.

Click through for a glimpse at their real life family dramas.

quicklist: 1title: Jack Osbourne's MStext: Two weeks after he and fiancée Lisa Stelly welcomed daughter Pearl Clementine, Jack, 26, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

"I was just angry and frustrated and kept thinking, 'Why now?'" he told People magazine on Sunday. "I've got a family and that's what's supposed to be the most important thing."

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system – the brain and spinal cord – and can cause problems with muscle control and strength, vision, balance, feeling, and thinking. Doctors diagnosed Jack after he lost 60 percent of his vision in his right eye.

Prior to his MS diagnosis, Jack dealt with substance abuse, another problem that runs in his family. He got addicted to a cocktail of drugs that he sought solace in after his mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2002. "I had smoked pot and drank every day for two years," he told MTV. "I was taking Vicodin by the handful. Valium, Xanax, Dilaudid, Lorcet, Lortab, Perocet, you name it." He started drinking and doing drugs at 13; by 17, he was in 16595855

quicklist: 2title: Kelly Osbourne's Addictiontext: The 27-year-old daughter of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne has been to rehab three times in the last decade to deal with an addiction to painkillers. In 2009, she told People magazine that the problem began when she was a teenager. "I had my tonsils taken out [at age 13], and they gave me liquid Vicodin," she said. "I found, when I take this, people like me. I'm having fun, I'm not getting picked on. It became a confidence thing."

But the TV personality felt like she got more negative attention for her yo-yoing weight, documented for the world to see during MTV's 2002-2005 reality TV series, "The Osbournes," than for her substance abuse issues. "I took more hell for being fat than I did for being an absolute raging drug addict," she told Us Weekly in 2010. "I will never understand that."

The negative press led her to gain more weight. "For a very long time, Mrs. Field's salted cookies were my favorite thing in the world," she said. "It's hard to get out of a hole you've dug so deeply."media: 16595866

quicklist: 3title: Sharon Osbourne's Bulimia and Colon Cancertext: The 59-year-old matriarch of the Osbourne family has battled eating disorders since her teenage years. In 1999, she had lap-band surgery and lost 100 pounds. Still, she told Psychologies magazine in 2009, her relationship with food is fraught. "If I'm honest, I don't think I'll ever be totally free from that," she said. "It's much more under control, but food for me will never be easy."

Sharon faced another health challenge in 2002 when she was diagnosed with colon cancer. Though her disease and treatment rocked their family -- Jack tried to commit suicide by OD-ing because he was so depressed about his mother's condition -- she insisted on having MTV's cameras chronicle her battle for their reality show. In 2004, after her cancer went into remission, she founded the Sharon Osbourne Colon Cancer Program at Los Angeles' Cedars Sinai Hospital. media: 16595891

quicklist: 4title: Ozzy Osbourne's Murder Attempt text: No one is more surprised about Ozzy's ability to prevail through decades of substance abuse than himself. But the 63-year-old rocker did go through dark days, namely in 1989, when he attempted to kill his wife in a drug-induced haze.

Sharon relayed the story to the Guardian in 2001. After downing four bottles of vodka, Ozzy told his wife, "I've decided you have to go," and tried to strangle her. "I called the police, and they locked him up," she said. "I didn't press charges, but he went into rehab for three months. He was totally insane from all the drink and drugs he was doing, and well, these things happen."media: 16595880