Justin Bieber Faces Toronto Assault Charge: Inside His Latest Troubles

The singer got arrested, had his house searched, lost his monkey and more.

ByABC News
January 30, 2014, 9:34 AM

Jan. 30, 2014 — -- intro: Perhaps it all started with what Justin Bieber called his "worst birthday." Since he turned 19 last March, it seems his troubles have multiplied.

On Wednesday, the pop singer turned himself in on charges stemming from a December alleged assault.

According to Toronto police, Bieber went to a hockey game on Dec. 29 at the Air Canada Centre, then later that night, police were called to the area and began investigating whether it was the singer or a member of his entourage who was involved in the assault.

Bieber was charged with a notice to appear at another date. His lawyer said he expects the case to be treated as a summary offense, which is the equivalent of a misdemeanor in the United States.

This is just the latest in the singer's run-ins with the law. Take a look at his other indiscretions over the past year.

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title: Arrested for Alleged DUItext: Last week, he was arrested for alleged DUI in Miami after leaving a South Beach club.

Miami Beach Police said Bieber was pulled over for drag racing in a yellow Lamborghini and failed a field sobriety test.

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title: Search Warrant Executed At His Hometext: On Jan. 14, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department executed a search warrant at Bieber's home for an investigation into alleged felony vandalism at his neighbor's house, involving an egging incident.

One of Bieber's entourage, Lil Za, was arrested for drugs during the search, but Bieber was not charged with any crime. The investigation is ongoing and police were looking through the singer's iPhone for any evidence he was involved in the egging.

Bieber's neighbor called police about around 7:40 p.m. on Jan. 9 and said the pop star was throwing eggs at his front door.


title: Wanted For Questioning For His Graffititext: He claims he doesn't do it illegally, but Justin Bieber was reportedly questioned by police in Brazil for his graffiti. According to the Associated Press, they wanted to talk to him about some of his work on a wall of a former hotel.

In November, he quickly took to Instagram to post his latest work and clear up any reports that he doesn't get permission before tagging up buildings.

In fact, an Australian hotel in December not only gave the singer permission to spray paint its wall, but then ran an art/graffiti competition shortly after to follow up the famous tagging.

quicklist: 4title: Getting Suedtext: Last year, a photographer, who is suing him and one of his bodyguards for allegedly attacking him and stealing his memory card.

In a lawsuit filed June in Miami-Dade County Circuit Court, 56-year-old photographer Jeffrey Binion said the singer ordered his bodyguard Hugo Hesny to "forcibly" take Binion's memory card after the lensmen snapped a picture of Bieber outside a recording studio.

Binion said Hesny "threw [him] against a wall, began choking him, and threatened [him] with a gun," while three other bodyguards removed the memory card from his camera.

See Justin Bieber Through the Years

Binion's lawyer, Russell Adler, said his client received injuries to his throat and is suing Bieber and his bodyguard for $15,000 in damages.

"Justin Bieber is now an adult, and he should act like one," Adler said in a statement to ABC News.

A rep for Bieber did not respond to ABC News' request for comment.

quicklist: 5title: Bieber's Showdown With Keyshawn Johnson text: The Bieb's troubles have extended to his gated community in Calabasas, Calif., where he has riled neighbors who have accused him of speeding through the neighborhood in his white Ferrari.

In March, the singer allegedly got into an argument with a neighbor and spit on him, after the neighbor objected to the singer driving at high speeds in the neighborhood. Prosecutors are still reviewing the case.

Then, at the end of May, Keyshawn Johnson confronted Bieber for allegedly speeding through the neighborhood while the former NFL star's kids were playing outside.

"You got a 19-year old kid feeling entitled," Johnson told TMZ about why he later chased down the singer at his home to discuss the incident with him.

Police were ultimately called and now the district attorney's office is investigating Bieber for a second case of alleged reckless driving.

Afterward, Bieber's friend, rapper Tyler the Creator, claimed that he was the one driving the car. "Don't Blame Him," he tweeted. "People Are Evil Swearing That It Was Who It Wasn't."

"Look man, I know the difference between a black kid driving a car and a white kid driving a car," Johnson said.

quicklist: 6title: Problems With Paparazzitext: Bieber's problems with the paparazzi are by no means new. Following his birthday fiasco, Reuters video captured the Biebs being restrained by his body guard as he shouted expletives at British photographers.

The video captured the Canadian singer, who had just been released from the hospital after fainting backstage during a show, exiting a vehicle and lunging at a photographer before being restrained. "What did you say? What did you say?" he shouted before swearing, as his body guards dragged him back in the vehicle.

Bieber sent out various tweets about the incident: "Sometimes when people r shoving cameras in your face all day and yelling the worst thing possible at u…well I'm human. Rough week" and the "Only way someone can break u is if u let them."

quicklist: 7title: Bieber Loses His Monkeytext: Bieber soon discovered that he was having more than just a rough week. At the end of March, during the German leg of his tour, his pet, Mally the Monkey, was seized by German customs officials after Bieber failed to produce the required vaccination and import papers.

She was then transferred to a Munich animal shelter. But when the singer missed the May 21 deadline to send her documents to German officials, she became a ward of the German state and, finally, late last month was sent to her permanent home at the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, in northern Germany.

quicklist: 8title: Bieber's 'Worst Birthday'text: On March 1, Bieber tweeted that he had a "big night ahead," but then hours later, the pop star admitted to his followers that it was his "worst birthday." Reports surfaced that the birthday boy and his entourage were asked to leave London club Cirque du Soir following a disagreement, reportedly over the presence of underage guests.

Bieber was quick to challenge the reports, writing on Instagram that the club invented the story to save face, because he and his crew decided they didn't want to party there anymore.

"I love how the club wanted to give the press another reason to why we didn't stay at their weak a** club so they wouldn't look bad for me walking in and right back out," the singer wrote.

He added, "Btw it wasn't the worst bday cuz all my friends from back home flew in I was just mad in the moment."

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