Justin Bieber Loses His 'Way': 'Little Hoodlums' Blamed for Stealing Texas Girl's Bieber Sign

Town to repost Justin Bieber Way sign -- brainchild of 11-year-old "mayor."

ByABC News
August 18, 2011, 4:33 PM

Aug. 18, 2011 — -- Just two days after a small Texas town allowed a preteen to rename a street Justin Bieber Way, the road sign that made national headlines has disappeared.

Forney, Texas, officials reported that the sign -- the brainchild of 11-year-old Caroline Gonzalez during her stint as "mayor for a day" -- was stolen sometime between Wednesday night and early this morning.

"They've definitely stolen some joy from her," said Caroline's father, Tony Gonzalez, who broke the news to his daughter this morning as they drove to an orthodontist appointment. "Her eyes got watery."

City residents seemed equally distressed. The city's Facebook page featured comments from folks shocked by the theft, saying, "oh that is so wrong!" and, "catch the little hoodlums."

Town officials have announced that the sign will be replaced at 4 pm local. You can follow along with Facebook updates here.

Caroline Gonzalez is planning to attend the event, and her dad said she'll likely talk to the media.

The sign, he said, has become "very personal to her."

Caroline was selected as mayor for a day after winning a city Facebook contest for kids, and announced her plan to rename part of Main Street "Justin Bieber Way" on Aug. 1.

Officials said the contest was intended to boost young people's interest in municipal government and bring attention to Forney.

But Forney Mayor Darren Rozell said he never would have guessed how much attention the sign, which cost just $30.22, would bring to Forney.

"I really think for as much press as Justin Bieber is getting out of it, it wouldn't be that hard to swing by," Rozell said.

The town initially tried to contact Bieber, but failed. Now, officials are thinking of leaving the new sign up until the Biebs makes an appearance. Initially, the city had planned to have the sign up for just one day.