'Secret Empire': Punisher joins Hydra, will go after Uprising, Spider-Man, Hulk

The Champions are in trouble.

ByABC News
June 1, 2017, 2:49 PM

— -- Another month, another shocking issue of "Secret Empire."

The Marvel series that features Captain America as a Hydra agent attempting to take over the world is coming more and more into focus with each issue.

We've lost some fan favorites, who have become casualties of this war, and a new batch of heroes have stepped up to try to take Captain America out of the equation -- the Champions, led by Spider-Man, Black Widow and the Hulk.

But Cap has a new ally in the anti-hero Punisher, which fans got to see at the end of "Secret Empire" issue 3.

The Punisher joins sides with Captain America in Marvel's "Secret Wars."

What fans didn't see and what was revealed on the latest episode of "Inside Marvel" are new panels of art, which include the Punisher getting a new mission from Cap that involves going head to head with the Champions.

Fans will also get a deeper look into the relationship between the Punisher and Cap next month.

The Punisher joins sides with Captain America in Marvel's "Secret Wars."

Cap is "setting the Punisher on a course to track down the Black Widow and her rogue Red Room elements putting those characters on a trajectory toward one another," said Marvel SVP and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort.

Watch the full episode above with Captain America writer Nick Spencer, "Secret Empire: Uprising" writer Derek Landy and Brevoort. And see some of your favorite heroes and anti-heroes face off in the coming months in "Secret Empire."

Marvel Entertainment and ABC News are both part of parent company Disney.

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