Crowe Calls Proof Director 'Imbecilic'

ByABC News
February 26, 2001, 7:34 PM

February 25 -- Battling Gladiator star Russell Crowe isn't taking recent criticism lying down. The Oscar-nominated star is lashing back at director Taylor Hackford's claim that his short-lived affair with Meg Ryan caused Proof of Life to falter at the box office

Responding to comments Hackford made Wednesday at the London premiere of the film, Crowe told reporters in London Saturday, "I think Taylor is being impolite, impolitic, and imbecilic by saying that."

Hoo, boy. We haven't seen this kind of actor-director squabbling since Edward Norton and director Tony Kaye squared off in the press over American History X.

Continued Crowe, "I think you will see that the Proof of Life box office, when it's not such a family-oriented time as Christmas, will be much higher. What we know, personally, is that we put as much effort into the process as possible and are pleased with the outcome," he said. He did not say whom, specifically, he meant by "we," but Crowe has had only kind things to say about his ex-flame, calling Ryan "courageous" and "special."

The actor said the hostage drama was "a good movie" but not "a great film."

"Is it going to change your life? No. But not all of them can be [great]," said the actor, who was nominated for both the American and British Academy Awards for his role in the Roman epic Gladiator.

He lost out on the British acting prize Sunday night to 14-year-old Billy Elliot star Jamie Bell. Crowe likely won't take the loss too hard he has befriended the young British star, even posing with Bell on the red carpet at Wednesday's premiere of Proof.

Perhaps aware that his remarks might negatively sway American Academy members, who might cast votes for him, Crowe expressed his happiness at receiving his second Best Actor nomination. "The Academy is the ultimate in terms of what I do for a job," Crowe said. "It's a peer vote acknowledging that I put a bit of effort in." The New Zealand-born actor said he was even happier this year than when he received an Oscar nomination for his work in The Insider last year.