What You Need to Know If You're Traveling to Africa

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 17, 2006, 8:17 AM

Nov. 17, 2006 — -- Here's some information you should know if you're traveling to Africa:

Destination: Masai Mara, Kenya

After arriving in Nairobi:
There are daily flights from Nairobi to an airstrip in the Masai Mara (40 minutes to 45 minutes). It is 270 kilometers away and takes about five hours by road. There are several bus companies with extensive intercountry networks.

Buses are an inexpensive way to travel the country, although there are safety considerations to keep in mind. Buses in Kenya are known for overcrowding and speeding. There are also private bus companies, and private tour companies that will provide transportation.

Exchange Rate: $1 = 70.9 KES (Kenya Shillings)

Time Zone: GMT+3/ 8 hours ahead of ET

With pleasant overall conditions year-round, Kenya's southern highlands and coastal lowlands see little variation in conditions; each has a wet season between March and May and a second one in November and December.

Temperatures are consistent throughout the year and cool for an equatorial region, ranging mostly in the high 80s to low 90s on the coast, dropping slightly inland and then raising again closer to Lake Victoria.

Safari Tour Guides:
Visit www.abercrombiekent.com for information on safari trips.

More Information:
Kenya Board of Tourism
Visit the Web site www.magicalkenya.com
or call 1-866-44-KENYA