Dr. Becker: Relieve Your Dog's Arthritis Pain

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 22, 2006, 4:10 PM

July 24, 2006— -- One out of every four dogs suffers from arthritis -- and veterinarians say they are seeing more cases because pets are becoming more obese, less active, and living longer.

Dr. Marty Becker came to "Good Morning America" to showcase some of the new products that can eliminate pain, reduce inflammation, help repair damaged joints, and help keep pets with arthritis safe and comfortable.

"Arthritis in pets is very similar as arthritis in people. It's caused by normal wear and tear of cartilage and other parts of the joint," Becker said. "Typically, there is inflammation or swelling in a joint. This can be caused by bone or joint development, instability of the surrounding ligaments and tendons, damage or injury to the joint."

Becker said there were some clear signs of arthritis in dogs, such as limping, stiffness, decreased activity, difficulty rising, and acting depressed.

Here are some ways to treat the condition.

Medication: Rimadyl, Previcox and Deramaxx.

These medications are all nonsteroidal and chewable. They are taken just once a day and can produce dramatic results.


Becker recommends that owners keep their pets at "his ideal weight and make sure he exercises regularly, which will strengthen his muscles and ligaments and keep his joints limber."


Ask your vet about joint-friendly food that has been proven to reduce inflammation and stop joint degradation.

New Devices to Help Arthritic Pets

Lift-N-Aid is a dog-mobility harness that slips around a dog's shoulders and supports a dog by its rib cage and takes pressure off joints and limbs. It is made for medium and large dogs.

The folding pet stairs help pets get up on a couch or get into the car. It comes with a carrying case and is lightweight and portable.

Some dogs may need more help, so the Pet Ramp and Cargo Step can support up to 300 pounds.