America's First Surviving Sextuplets Become Teenagers

Diane Sawyer checks in on the six Dilley children, who turned 14 in May.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 27, 2007, 7:44 AM

Nov. 27, 2007 — -- The country's first surviving sextuplets have entered their teenage years. Adrian, Brenna, Claire, Julian, Quinn and Ian Dilley turned 14 in May.

"Good Morning America's" Diane Sawyer has followed the children since their births, visiting and interviewing the family several times as the children have grown up. The family's latest visit to "GMA" will air Wednesday.

Watch "Good Morning America" Wednesday to see what the Dilleys look and sound like today.

The children, who are now in high school with their six lockers all in row, were born after Keith and Becki Dilley tried for six years to have just one child.

Becki, who finally became pregnant with the help of fertility drugs, was expected to have five babies and a dangerous pregnancy.

She got so big she couldn't fit into her shower and gained nearly 100 pounds. Doctors actually tied her uterus closed in order to keep the babies inside.

When the next generation of Dilleys finally arrived, it took 30 doctors and nurses to deliver the babies. When they prepared to sew Becki up, they felt another foot. Their five expected children had become six.

Adrian, the sixth baby, was hidden behind Becki's spleen.

Raising one infant can be taxing, and having six babies multiplies the cost. ABC News calculated that when the children were babies, the family filled and fed 30,000 bottles and gave 13,000 baths. It washed 7,000 loads of laundry and changed 20,000 diapers.

Keith and Becki did all of it without the aid of a nanny or day care. During the sextuplets' first year, Becki worked as a nurse and Keith stayed at home to watch the children.

But getting through their infancy wasn't the most challenging part for the Dilleys. They still had to make it through the toddlers' terrible 2s times six.

"[There are] days when you just can't wait for that day to get over. You put them to bed that night and you just go, "I hope tomorrow's better," Keith said when the children were 2.