Book Excerpt: 'Cool Hair'

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 17, 2003, 3:07 PM

Dec. 18 -- In Cool Hair, celebrity stylist Vincent Roppatte says looks do matter because looking good means feeling good. Read an excerpt from his book.

Chapter 1

You're the Best

Each and every one of you is a wonder, unique and different from other girls. Although there's a lot more going on inside the private you than anyone dreams, there are still many feelings you share with other teens.

These feelings represent the most important changes in your life, just as you're becoming an irresistible young woman. Can you recognize yourself in the following behaviors?

You want more privacy than ever before. You are easily hurt. You want to experiment look new, try new things, think new thoughts, maybe even shock people with your daring. Sometimes, you're mean to others and you regret it. Being popular counts a lot even if you don't love admitting it. Your moods change suddenly. Occasionally, you feel anxious about making and keeping new friends. Your self esteem flutters you often don't like yourself and you worry about your appearance. You want the right to choose what you wear and how your hair looks.