Read an Excerpt: 'Life Among the Dead'

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 14, 2008, 12:07 PM

April 15, 2008— -- Lisa Williams, star of the hit TV series "Life Among the Dead," started seeing dead people when she was 4 years old.

In her highly anticipated memoir, Williams chronicles her experiences with the supernatural from her childhood in England to the present.

She currently lives in Los Angeles and continues to work as a medium, helping to connect people to their dead loved ones.

Read an excerpt from Chapter 2 of "Life Among the Dead" below:

When Paul moved away, we had a tearful farewell. I did get over him, eventually, but it was a long, difficult time, and I found myself hardened by the experience. Having decided I would never let another man hurt me, I closed my heart to relationships. I went out and danced my heart out. I started dating; sometimes I dated two or three guys at once. Mom used to joke with me–with a smirk on her face she'd say, just in case the phone rang, "Who do you want to speak to tonight?" There was an occasion when I went out to dinner with one guy and was home by 9 p.m. and then I was out with another guy for drinks at 10 p.m. that same night! I knew it wasn't right, that I was simply running away from emotion, but it's what I needed at the time. I was having fun and lots of it!

During this time, I started going to karaoke bars. I was a good singer, and I sang my heartache away with ABBA, Barbra Streisand, Tiffany, and the Pointer Sisters, among others.

There were still periods of time when I thought about Paul and we would chat on the phone, but I forced myself to move on, go out and have a bloody good time. I guess I was trying to become a stronger person.

One Sunday, one of my girlfriends came to fetch me on her motorbike, and we went off to see a show in Birmingham. But on the way back, for some reason we took a different route home, hit a patch of gravel, and I flew over the handlebars, landing, gracelessly, on all fours. I remember trying to get up but not being able to because of my injuries. Luckily some people witnessed the accident, stopped to help me into their car, and drove me to the hospital. Fortunately my friend was totally uninjured.

Because I worked out so much, the muscles in my legs had protected my knees. I hadn't broken anything, but my legs had to be bandaged, ankle to thigh, and I was given painkillers for my aching back. When I got home it was late. I wobbled like a bandaged mummy, somehow climbed the stairs, and clambered into bed without waking my parents. In the morning, Mom came to wake me.