Read an Excerpt: 'Ghosts Among Us'

"Ghosts Among Us" offers eerie tales of seeing the dead and how-to tips.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 14, 2008, 2:43 PM

May 15, 2008 — -- Since he was a small child, James Van Praagh has felt a connection to the world of spirits that he says co-exists among the living.

Now a best-selling author, Van Praagh has spent his life trying to help see and interact with these spirits. In his new book, "Ghosts Among Us," Van Praagh shares his haunting experiences with the supernatural in shocking detail, as well as practical how-to information for those hoping to contact the dead.

Read an excerpt from chapter two below:

Chapter 2: Leaving the Body

In my field of work, I am constantly asked the same questions over and over. What is it like to die? Is there really an afterlife, and if so, where do we go? Is there any pain?

Death is the great unknown. By the time our end draws near, we have developed so many preconceived notions about death and dying through religious and societal beliefs that we have no true understanding of the event. Even though each person's experience is an individual one, based on my communication with spirits, I can tell you that there are some incredible similarities in making the transition.

Many experience a sense of being surrounded by a brilliant light and being pulled through a tunnel. People describe the light as God, or an all-knowing being. Some feel the light is pure peace, joy, and love. Instead of light, some ghosts describe being surrounded by a glorious display of celestial color like nothing they have ever seen.