T. Boone Pickens Drops Wind Farm but Says Plan Made 'Great Progress'

T. Boone Pickens: Natural gas is "the only option at this point" to replace oil.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 8, 2009, 9:44 AM

July 8, 2009— -- Despite saying that he would be abandoning plans to build the world's largest wind farm in Pampa, Texas, billionaire oilman T. Boone Pickens said that his plan to raise energy awareness in America has "made great progress."

"We elevated [the cause] as we wanted to do, into the presidential debate," Pickens told "Good Morning America" co-anchor Chris Cuomo.

He said that President Obama's campaign pledge to reduce dependancy on foreign oil helped his cause.

"He said, 'in 10 years, we will not be importing oil from the Mideast,'" Pickens said, recalling Obama's words.

It was exactly one year ago today that Pickens had a lot of people scratching their heads.

The Texas billionaire oilman had become an unlikely renewable energy advocate, and unveiled his massive mission on "GMA." The Pickens plan was a $60 million ad campaign to get America to kick its foreign oil addiction by switching to natural gas for the short term and wind for the long term.

In the 1950s, Pickens used $2,500 of borrowed money to form Mesa Petroleum, an oil and gas exploration company that led to his fortune.

Pickens said he's pleased that there are provisions for wind and solar power in the climate bill that has passed the House of Representatives and is headed for the Senate.

"We also have bill 1835, which is the House bill, introduced by [Rep. Dan] Boren … and that has the natural gas piece in it, where we're going to now use natural gas in place of foreign oil."

The bill would extend tax credits for the production of vehicles that use alternative fuels, such as natural gas, introduce new tax credits and require 50 percent of all new vehicles purchased or placed in service by the U.S. government by Dec. 31, 2014, to be capable of operating on compressed or liquefied natural gas.

Last year, Pickens said he hoped to make Pampa, Texas, "the wind capital of the world." He said he was aware that a lack of transmission lines or power grids to distribute wind power would pose a challenge but hoped that wind would ultimately replace natural gas as the energy source for many of the country's power plants.

"We've got more wind than anybody else in the world, just like they have more oil," Pickens said at the time. "I think that's the future of this country."