You Should Watch the Super Bowl Like It's Your Job

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 27, 2006, 2:15 PM

Jan. 30, 2006 — -- Growing up, the only NFL I paid attention to was the National Forensic League -- the national governing body of high school and college debate.

High school debate was my competitive sport of choice. I was good at it. An NFL champ, in fact. I was the first girl -- along with my debate partner -- to win the Florida state title. But I digress ...

Today, 20 years later, I'm hardly a football fan, yet you bet I'll be one of 90 million Americans watching Sunday's Super Bowl. You should be too -- even if you normally wouldn't have the slightest interest in the game.

Smart, savvy business people pride themselves on keeping up with current events, politics and celebrity gossip so they always have interesting tidbits to contribute to small talk at meetings, parties and social outings. They know that idle chitchat is awfully valuable in building professional relationships because it allows people to connect on a relaxed and personal level.

Even though not all businessmen and businesswomen are into football, I'd strongly suggest that even those who aren't into the game tune in to the Super Bowl, knowing intuitively that to miss it would make you out of touch a week from today.

That's the last thing anyone in business can afford to be, because colleagues, clients and customers -- sports buffs and regular folk alike -- will be gabbing about TV's blockbuster event. And that includes the secondary things surrounding the game, like those great TV commercials and that "wardrobe malfunction" halftime show that Janet Jackson has yet to live down even two years later.

Anyone who misses this most American of sporting events should feel like a boob for being out of touch with all the hoopla. As the coolest commercials are unveiled, you'll want to be among those who are in on the laughs and the losers. They often get more day-after attention than the game itself.

That sports has its own daily section in every major newspaper in the country -- unlike travel, fashion, automobiles and other popular subjects -- tells you something about its significance in our society. The topic is also covered on the local news every single day. So surely all of us can find the time to get in on the game.

So go ahead, grab some guacamole and chips and invite your friends to kick back. Order a pizza or two on Domino's busiest day of the entire year.

You never know: Football might just gain a new fan as you discover that this can actually be quite fun.

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