Some Prescription Drug Service Cos. Charge for Services

Online companies offer services, but what price is right?

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 24, 2008, 4:00 PM

Oct. 10, 2008 — -- More than 45 million Americans do not have prescription drug insurance. And some have turned to online prescription drug service companies that offer help getting prescription drugs inexpensively in exchange for a fee.

What some of these companies often do not advertise, however, is that people can sometimes get their much-needed prescription drugs for little or no money straight from the drug companies or through other free services.

Andrea Melnick, 30, found that out the hard way -- after paying hundreds to an online company.

Five years ago, Melnick was in good health and had just given birth to a boy when suddenly she began passing out. Doctors told her that her seizures were caused by epilepsy.

"I couldn't drive. I wasn't supposed to be left alone with my son. And I wasn't -- I couldn't cook while I was home by myself. I couldn't shower while I was home by myself in case I had one," she told "Good Morning America."

Adding to her woes, Andrea's husband left her, taking her drug insurance with him. Without insurance, Andrea was left to try and get the pricey epilepsy medications, which cost up to $800 a month, on her own.

Andrea looked for help online and found a company called Select Care Benefits Network.

"It sounded perfect," she said. "It says on their Web site you can get your drugs cheaper." She said the company offered to get all her drugs for just $30 a month.

Adrea paid the company a total of $365, but over the next 10 months, she received only one voucher for a two-month supply of one of her drugs.

"They kept telling me that everything was approved, and it was coming, and still, every day, nothing," she said. "It hurt. It hurt real bad. Because I don't have that kind of money."

According to the Better Business Bureau, when she complained, Andrea became only one of 111 people who filed complaints against the company.

Brandon Todd, president of Select Care Benefits Network, told "Good Morning America" that he was "aware" of the complaints, but claimed the company completed its services.