'Tis the Season for Giving

Learn how you can give goats, loans and laptops, and change lives.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 19, 2009, 7:12 AM

Dec. 18, 2007— -- They say it's better to give than to receive, but there are some gifts that let you do both.

Giving to charity doesn't always mean just writing a check. Nowadays, many nonprofit organizations offer creative ways of investing your donation in sustainable change.

The following gift ideas will help feed, educate and empower those in need, and help protect the world we live in. You'd be amazed how far your money can go, and best of all, there's usually something in it for you too.

Lenders choose a recipient from thousands of small-business owners looking for loans, and Kiva forwards the loans through a network of microfinance companies in developing countries. The system gives struggling entrepreneurs access to financial services that have not been available to them.

The loan recipient commits to paying the microfinacer back in a specified period of time. And you, in turn, get your money back.
Kiva Gift Certificates start at $25, Kiva.org

As human activity continues to offset the balance between man and nature, it becomes increasingly important to educate ourselves about the world in which we live.

Conservation International works to protect life on Earth through its many parternships and field offices around the world. Its projects combat global warming, species extinction, deforestation, resource depletion and other forces that threaten our existence. A gift of a $35 membership supports CI's work and connects someone to its causes with a subscription to Frontlines, its quarterly magazine, which highlights its diverse initiatives.
CI Membership, $35 CI.org

Know a child who wants to save the world? Let that child share in that excitement, and sign the child up for a free student membership to Adventure Ecology. The interactive site follows a team of passionate explorers, who travel to the most fragile corners of the planet. It's an inspiring mix of adventure, ecology and education constantly updated with new video, photos, stories and art from around the world.

Adventure Ecology Membership, Free AdventureEcology.com

Doctors Without Borders is an independent international medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or manmade disasters, or exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries.Your gift of $50 will provide vaccinations for 50 people against meningitis, measles, polio or other deadly diseases.

Vaccinations for 50 people, $50 DoctorsWithoutBorders.org

World Vision is a Christian charity that works in the United States and around the world to tackle the causes of poverty. Its programs care for children, respond to emergencies and transform communities.
$325 of Supplies, $25 WorldVision.org

Even if none of these gift ideas are what you looking for this holiday season, you can still give a little back while shopping for all the rest. Good Search is a search engine that donates 50 percent of its revenue to charities and schools designated by its users. Good Search

If you're considering giving, but would like to know more about where your money is going, check out Charity Navigator to help evaluate the nonprofit organization.
