Are You Spending Too Much On Groceries?

Saving Moms shares five grocery shopping don'ts.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 18, 2007, 2:22 PM

June 19, 2007— -- I recently did a grocery-shopping trip with a local television reporter to demonstrate coupon savings strategies. The reporter asked me an interesting question: "What are the top five mistakes shoppers make that causes them to spend too much money?"

I gave quite a bit of thought to her question, and explained what I thought the top five mistakes were, and how shoppers could save if they knew how to avoid making these mistakes. I'll share them with you to help you save money, too.

Although life can make it difficult to be organized every time you shop, it is a proven fact that shoppers who plan and stick to their shopping lists spend less money than shoppers who go to the store with only a vague idea of what they need to buy. The shopper without a plan is much more likely to buy items on impulse, to pay higher prices than necessary because they aren't aware of current sale bargains, and to come back to the store sooner because they didn't remember everything they needed during their unplanned trip.

Conversely, the shopper with a plan would have their meals planned around what the best sale bargains were that week, they would have thought through everything they needed to last at least a full week to avoid frequent (and expensive) trips, and they may even have coupons to match sale items. The shopper with a plan would most likely spend 50% less overall than the shopper without a plan. The 30 minutes required to make a good plan pays off.

Even if you find yourself in the store parking lot without a plan, you can stop and jot down your best attempt at a shopping list, and grab the store sales flyer as you go in the store. Quickly scan the front and back pages of the ad to make sure you get any super-bargains. And shop quickly to avoid spending more time and money than necessary.