To Blackberry or to iPhone? A National Debate

Choosing a smartphone can depend on where you live.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 8, 2010, 1:55 PM

Aug. 8, 2010 — -- A technological rift is tearing America apart.

It's called smartphone discord. And it's even straining marriages.

An impromptu conversation between a couple in New York clearly marks the differing opinions.

Wife: "Well, I hate the iPhone. I think the Blackberry is awesome, because it has a full keyboard, you can actually feel the keys, you don't mess up typing texts."

Husband: "Well, it's also known as jealousy where I come from."

Blackberry? iPhone? Which is best?

It can depend on where you live. A California company has just finished a "gadget census." It found San Francisco has 23 percent more iPhones than New York, which makes sense since Apple is based in the Bay Area.

Audrey Banavage is a West Coast iPhone user.

"You can use the Internet, you can use e-mail, you can take pictures," she says. "It's really accessible, it's real exciting."

The Big Apple, on the other hand, has 56 percent more Blackberries than the Bay Area.

"It's a great business phone," says a man on the street, brandishing his Blackberry as proof.

One has cool apps. One's great for company e-mail. Both have fueled a nationwide phone fracas.

"I'm never gonna give up my Blackberry, and he loves his iPhone," said one resolute woman in Manhattan.

But while couples -- and the East and West Coasts --squabble over the two, perhaps the rest of the country has had the last word.

Phones with Google's Android system -- like the Droid phone -- have just toppled Blackberry as the nation's best-selling smartphones.

Hmmm. A three-way quarrel for best phone? Confused? Is all of this too much to deal with?

Maybe it's time to go back to buying phones, the way one lady does.

"I don't go by that," she says. "I just look around, and if that one's pretty, I say take it."

Finally, a voice of reason in the great smartphone debate.