Gadget Geeks Unite! Consumer Electronics Show Opens

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 6, 2007, 3:33 PM

Jan. 08, 2007 — -- From iPods to digital cameras and flat-screen televisions, the average American home now contains 26 consumer electronic products and spends an average of $1,500 on them per year.

The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is where many of those gadgets first see the light of day. "Good Morning America" tech guru Becky Worley picked the newest products guaranteed to tempt you -- or at least make you laugh.

Price: $120

This headset operates similarly to a cell phone with Blue Tooth, but this touches the outside of your jaw and minimizes outside noise. All users hear is the voice they want to hear on the phone.

Price: $1,799

A classy-looking computer screen, on a stand, allows you and your family to walk up to the screen and write notes, check a calendar of events and play music. This is the high-tech version of the family with a blackboard or wall of Post-Its in the kitchen.

Price: $229

A special picture frame allows you to display digital photos downloaded from a distance.

Price: $10,000

Special equipment for your furniture. Your chair will rock 'n roll as you watch action movies and TV shows at home.

Price: $449

Similar to radar detectors, red-light detectors alert you that a traffic signal has a camera that snaps photos of cars rolling through red lights.

Price: $1,995 for Internet; $2,995 for live TV

Although some cars enable drivers and passengers to use the Internet, this function allows you also to watch local television shows live while driving or parked.