Heather Mills Reflects on 'Dancing'

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 26, 2007, 9:08 AM

April 26, 2007 — -- All good things must come to an end, and so it was this week with Heather Mills' exhilarating run on "Dancing With the Stars."

Watching Mills partner Jonathon Roberts dance on the show, you'd never know how different they are. She's liberal, he's conservative. She's a vegan, he eats meat.

The duo told "Good Morning America" about what their future holds, and what it was like getting voted off the show after overcoming so many challenges.

"It was upsetting. It was upsetting," Mills said. "But at the same time, I woke up this morning and I just went -- 'Wow. How did we get this far?'"

The pair looked back at their six weeks on the dance floor fondly.

"I don't have any fear as you probably noticed," Mills said.

Roberts agreed.

"And that's the great thing about Heather," he said.

Roberts taught her to dance, and he said she taught him that anything is possible.

"Heather's really shown me it's not what you can't do, it's what you can do," Roberts said. "When I first met Heather and started dancing with her, I thought, 'That's it. We're going to go out in the first week. We don't have any hope.' And here we are halfway through the show, and not only has Heather learned to dance but she has done flips and jumps and slides."

Yet twirling and flipping with a prosthetic leg proved a physical challenge and offered an occasional scare, most notably when Mills slipped to the ground after dancing a samba.

"When I fell, the split was up the right leg, the dress was really heavy, and then lifting the artificial leg which was heavy, I just went -- cause sometime you forget you have an artificial leg sometimes," Mill said. "Then I went, 'Ohhh no'"

Dancing wasn't the only demanding part of the competition. Dealing with the judges' critiques was tough.

"Had we stayed in, I wanted to get Carrie Ann [Inaba] to stand on one leg on a stilt and actually feel what it's like to be on an artificial leg," Mill said.

Many Americans first learned of Mills from the tabloids. She is going through a bitter divorce with former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney. She sought refuge in the United States.