'Dear GMA' Advice Guru Search: Spotlight on Cooper Boone

"GMA" has narrowed the search for the 'Dear GMA' Advice Guru down to four.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 24, 2011, 12:41 PM

Jan. 24, 2011— -- From 15,000 applications, the search for the "Dear GMA" Advice Guru is down to the final four candidates. We're searching for someone to join the "GMA" team and answer questions about love, work, family, and much more.

The Advice Guru candidates have answered your questions online, shared their holiday advice and faced-off in Daily Guru Duels on viewers' questions.

This week on "GMA," we're spotlighting one of the finalists each day, taking you into their homes, work and lives.

CLICK HERE to ask Cooper Booner and the other Advice Guru finalists a question!

Cooper Boone, who is also referred to as "Dr. Coop," is a clinical psychologist who writes, "Listen to your instincts and passions and let them guide you and the rest will come with hard work and support. Bring into your life what will bring you happiness -- no matter how big that accomplishment may seem."

Born and bred in St. Joe, a small farm town in rural Minnesota, Boone went on to college where an experience with counseling inspired him to pursue a doctorate in psychology.

"It changed my life," he said, "It taught me that I had more choices other than the life I was leading at the time."

He soon moved to New York and over the next 20 years worked with patients facing a wide variety of issues from drug addiction, to couples counseling, career problems, and stress management.

Six years ago, Boone decided that while he loved his work as a psychologist he needed more. He turned to an old love -- country music -- and began writing his own songs, even recording an album.

"It's an extension of what I'm doing in my work as a psychologist. It's trying to positively influence people through another venue," Boone said.

This psychologist, musician, cook and animal lover is determined to be the "Dear GMA" Advice Guru.

"I am committed to the readers and listeners in this position and should I be chosen I will be there for awhile," he said, "If they'll have me for awhile."